I officially quit on living life today. I wash my hands of it. But just for today.
It all started with the fact that I forgot my phone at work last night. This has never happened to me before, but it wasn't really a big deal. Andrew is always all "Why don't you ever answer your phone Christine?! WHAT'S THE POINT OF OWNING A PHONE IF YOU DON'T ANSWER IT?", but I'm not as tethered to my cell as he is. So while a runaway phone isn't usually a big deal, it just happened to be the catalyst of today's events.
Sometimes, Captain Resourceful gets aggressive. |
My biggest issue with not having my phone overnight is that it also doubles as my alarm clock in the morning. But that can't stop me, I'm CAPTAIN RESOURCEFUL! Andrew used a regular alarm clock, so I told Andrew to reset his alarm clock after he woke up so I would wake up a half hour later.
Andrew has the memory of a goldfish. It's ridiculous. Every once in a while, I think that he's miraculously developed the ability to remember important tasks or events.
Every time, I'm wrong.
I woke myself up at 8am. I usually wake up at 6:30. I emailed my boss that I was going to be late and rushed like the Roadrunner on cocaine. Captain R wasn't going to be stopped by a pesky goldfish-partner. I grabbed my lunch and my purse, locked the door, ran out to put Lucy in her kennel and then got into my car. I rummaged for my keys.
I had no keys.
My keys were on the microwave, inside the locked house.